Become a member today!
Apply online or by mail, see step-by-step instructions below - or call our Financial Secretary, George Leonard, at 831.372.8054.
Dues are $42.00 per adult. One or more children in the household under age 18 (or age 23 if attending college) may be added as members for $10 (not per child - total membership fee for all children is only $10).
Apply online
Fill out the Membership Application. Email it to info.icf36@gmail.com
Make membership selection (next column), and pay dues online (we accept Visa, Mastercard, Amex and Discover).
Our Financial Secretary will call or email you to confirm, welcome you to the organization, and give you a brief orientation.
new membership
Apply by mail
Fill out the Membership Application.
Make check payable to "Italian Catholic Federation Branch #36" and mail check with application to:
ICF Branch #36
P.O. Box 2286
Monterey, CA 93942-2286
ADULT Membership is $42
CHILD(REN) Membership is $10 total for one or more children in family.
We don’t have any products to show here right now.
Andrew Clarke
John Compagno
Joleen Compagno
Katie Compagno
Georgia Compagno
James Culcasi
Rosine Culcasi
Phyllis Grillo-Sweeney
Joe Sweeney
Mardee Killiam
John Pope
Jennifer Pope
John Noah Pope
Sierra Pope
Denis Prosperi
Teri Prosperi
Jeff Rognlien
Cindy Rognlien
Nicola Scarpello
Daniel Turner
Hospitalization Plan
This Insurance plan is the best-kept secret in the ICF - inexpensive and cash benefits paid directly to you! To join, you must be under age 70, but once enrolled, renewals may continue each year. JOIN NOW!
Send a $25 check for each member to be covered, payable to ICF, P.O. Box 2286, Monterey, CA 93942